No Name

As most of my drawings, it has no name. The most common question you get at my age is: what will you study? I honestly do not know, there are so many incredible options, but you can only choose one and you will have to do it for the rest of your life! Even though this idea freaks me out, I have many options. One of my big options, which I liked more before, is fashion design. I love this idea because it would be amazing to draw what you want to wear, or suddenly, see people using what you created. Maybe the coolest thing about this job is the process, you start with a vague idea, then you draw it and turn it more to reality, and last you create it, it is a way of making a dream come true. This drawing in particular, was invented by me, it is not something wearable, but it is a mixture of ideas that in paper looks good. I know it is not quite proportionate, but that is part of the idea because it makes her look sort of long and fun! If only used pencil and colored it with color pencils afterwards. I like the contrast between the colors because even though yellow is brighter than gray, it makes it look good.

Guns and Roses

Music, is a big way of art in my life, I love music and listen to it all the time. I like many artists, and as you see, one of them is legendary Guns and Roses. GNR is an American hard rock band that was formed in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California in 1985. My favorite song is Sweet Child of Mine. What I really like of the band, is the name; it is a way of combining beautiful and ugly, bad things, and making them look good together; something as sweet, fragile, delicate as a rose together with the symbol of death, evil, and destructive gun. To create this drawing, I first drew a rose that I saw, I liked it, but it was too simple and did not give me anything further than the image. So I decided to combine it; so next I drew a gun, just a simple gun of a picture I saw. I pasted the rose on top of the gun and created a stem and a background, which together with all the color gave this result. All I use were color pencils.


For me, color is equal to happiness. When a drawing has color it has much more live. Using colors is hard though, whenever I try to put color in my drawings, I usually ruin them. This picture still holds much more than that. What it means to me is that a person can have many different qualities and personalities; of course not in the weird way in which you do not really know who they are. What I mean, is in the way in which a person that is good at school, is not necessarily a person that does not sport, but can be a person that can do many things. This is a way I like to see myself. I also try to show that in the world there are also different spaces and different people, in which each person can fit. What I mean here, is that nobody is alone because they have a world filled with people like them that can compliment him or her. This is one of my favorite pieces because of the meaning it takes. I saw this picture once, I do not remember when or where, or even if it looked like this, but I have a slight idea that guided me to the creation of this work. I started it with pencil and then I colored it with markers.