“Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.” -Salvador Dali-

Every day we wake up and see that in the world there are many problems, yet it is beautiful. Life, Earth, the world is the nearest to perfection, yet it is filled with imperfections. I like to think of the world as the biggest work of art ever made, I do not know who made it, or why he made it like this; but he made it. It is art because it is crazy, it is art because every single person can interpret it how they want, it is art because it is beautiful, and at the same time it may be ugly, but it is art.  Art is an ambiguous word which can tell us many things, which can have thousands of meanings, but what really matters is how we interpret it and how it makes it our own. But art will never be perfect, nothing can ever be, we have to find our own definition of perfection and try to reach it. Art will be my path to find perfection, not trying to reach it, but trying to understand it.    

Emilia R. 9B